Friday, October 9, 2009

Terry Gross and Gene Simmons Converse

On February 4, 2002 Gene Simmons, singer and bassist of Kiss if you don't know, was interviewed by Terry Gross, host of WHYY's Fresh Air if you don't know. The following is the result. Awkwardness and annoyance abound! Enjoy!

Listen to it here.

(Also Gene Simmons had NPR take the interview off of their archives and refuses to let them sell tapes and transcripts of it. I wonder why.)

1 comment:

Toy Boats said...

Oh man, I need to listen to that, I can't even imagine those two being in the same room together. He is probably the most pompous human being alive at this moment. Terry Gross has a way of reducing her interview subjects to tiny specks, she's more like a psychiatrist than a journalist. If you can find it you should listen to her last interview with Iggy Pop, probably in May or June. She makes him realize things about himself he'd never considered before, its crazy to listen to.